This documentary delves into the life and career of the talented British singer-songwriter Amy Winehouse, exploring her rise to fame and the personal struggles that accompanied her success. Directed by Asif Kapadia, the film is a poignant portrayal of Winehouse’s journey, featuring archival footage and interviews with those who knew her best. The film received critical acclaim and won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Biography, Documentary, Music
Director: Asif Kapadia
Actors: Amy Winehouse, Blake Fielder, Jay Leno, Juliette Ashby, Mark Ronson, Mitch Winehouse, Pete Doherty, Russell Brand, Salaam Remi, Tony Bennett, Tyler James, Yasiin Bey
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Film4, Globe Productions, On the Corner Films
Worldwide Gross: $23,706,386