American Wedding
In this 2003 comedy, the beloved characters from the American Pie series return as Jim and Michelle prepare for their wedding. The film follows the chaotic and humorous events leading up to the big day, with Jim’s friends, including the notorious Stifler, causing their usual mischief. Directed by Jesse Dylan, the movie features stars such as Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, and Seann William Scott. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a popular installment in the franchise. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Director: Jesse Dylan
Actors: Alyson Hannigan, Deborah Rush, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Eugene Levy, Fred Willard, January Jones, Jason Biggs, Molly Cheek, Seann William Scott, Thomas Ian Nicholas
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: LivePlanet, Universal Pictures, Zide-Perry Productions
Worldwide Gross: $232,722,935