American Pie Presents Band Camp
In this comedic installment of the popular franchise, the story follows Matt Stifler, the younger brother of the infamous Steve Stifler, as he is sent to a summer band camp as punishment for a prank gone wrong. Determined to uphold the family reputation, Matt initially plans to wreak havoc but soon finds himself unexpectedly drawn to the camp’s activities and people. The film features Tad Hilgenbrink in the lead role, capturing the essence of the Stifler legacy with a fresh twist. Directed by Steve Rash, the movie offers a blend of humor and heart, continuing the series’ tradition of coming-of-age antics. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Steve Rash
Actors: Arielle Kebbel, Chris Owen, Crystle Lightning, Eugene Levy, Ginger Lynn Allen, Jason Earles, Jun Hee Lee, Lauren C. Mayhew, Matt Barr, Omar Benson Miller, Tad Hilgenbrink
Country: United States of America
Company: Capital Arts Entertainment, Rogue Pictures, Universal Pictures