In this Swiss drama, a reclusive private investigator named Aloys Adorn is thrust into an unexpected journey of self-discovery after receiving a mysterious phone call. The film explores themes of isolation and connection as Aloys navigates a surreal world of imagination and reality. Directed by Tobias Nölle, the movie features standout performances, particularly from lead actor Georg Friedrich. It was well-received at various film festivals, winning the FIPRESCI Prize at the Berlin International Film Festival. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Tobias Nölle
Actors: Georg Friedrich, Kamil Krejčí, Koi Lee, Peter Zumstein, Sebastian Krähenbühl, Tilde von Overbeck, Tobias Bienz, Yufei Lee
Country: France, Switzerland
Company: hugofilm, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF), SRG - SSR
Worldwide Gross: $523