In this intense psychological thriller directed by Fabrice Du Welz, the story follows a passionate yet destructive relationship between a lonely woman and a charming con artist. As their bond deepens, they embark on a dark journey filled with manipulation and violence. The film stars Lola Dueñas and Laurent Lucas, whose performances bring depth to this chilling narrative. Notably, the movie is inspired by the infamous “Lonely Hearts Killers” case. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Romance, Thriller
Director: Fabrice Du Welz
Actors: Anne-Marie Loop, David Murgia, Édith Le Merdy, Héléna Noguerra, Laurent Lucas, Lola Dueñas, Philippe Résimont, Pili Groyne, Renaud Rutten, Stéphane Bissot
Company: Panique, Radar Films, Savage Film
Worldwide Gross: $48,426