All Roads Lead Home
The narrative centers on a 12-year-old girl named Belle, who is grappling with the tragic loss of her mother in a car crash. Her father is overwhelmed by the grief of losing his wife while also trying to care for Belle, who harbors feelings that he is somewhat to blame for the accident. Meanwhile, Belle’s maternal grandfather has been deeply affected by his daughter’s death, making it challenging for him to connect with Belle, as she constantly reminds him of his loss. However, it is Atticus, a new puppy, who will transform Belle’s life and bring healing to those around her.
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Director: Dennis Fallon
Actors: Allan Kayser, April Bowlby, Evan Parke, Jason London, Katherine McNamara, Patton Oswalt, Peter Boyle, Peter Coyote, Vanessa Branch, Vivien Cardone
Country: United States of America
Company: Waldo West Productions
Worldwide Gross: $43,907