Alien Uprising
In this sci-fi thriller, a group of friends in England finds their weekend disrupted by an unexpected alien invasion. As chaos ensues, they must navigate the challenges of survival amidst the extraterrestrial threat. The film features Jean-Claude Van Damme in a supporting role, adding a touch of star power to the ensemble cast. Directed by Dominic Burns, the movie explores themes of camaraderie and resilience in the face of otherworldly danger. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Dominic Burns
Actors: Bianca Bree, Christian Howard, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Joey Ansah, Julian Glover, Perry Fitzpatrick, Peter Barrett, Sean Brosnan, Sean Pertwee, Simon Phillips
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Hawthorn Productions, Incentive Media, Melancholy Star
Worldwide Gross: $5,848