Alien Invasion: S.U.M.1
In a dystopian future, humanity is on the brink of extinction due to an alien invasion, and the story follows a soldier named S.U.M.1, played by Iwan Rheon, who is tasked with guarding a remote outpost. As he spends 100 days in isolation, he begins to question the reality of his mission and the existence of the alien threat. The film, directed by Christian Pasquariello, explores themes of paranoia and survival in a desolate world. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, it offers a unique take on the alien invasion genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Christian Pasquariello
Actors: André Hennicke, Gökdeniz A. Özcetin, Iwan Rheon, Lesley Suzanne Dean, Nick Baker-Monteys, Niels-Bruno Schmidt, Norman Reedus, Rainer Werner, Tim Williams, Zoe Grisedale
Country: Germany
Company: Syrreal Entertainment