Agatha and the Midnight Murders
Set in the backdrop of World War II London, this intriguing film follows the renowned mystery writer Agatha Christie as she navigates a perilous night filled with unexpected twists. As she attempts to sell an unpublished manuscript of Hercule Poirot to a private buyer, the evening takes a dark turn with murder and deception lurking at every corner. The film stars Helen Baxendale, who delivers a compelling performance as Christie, and is directed by Joe Stephenson. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the movie offers an engaging narrative for mystery enthusiasts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, TV Movie
Director: Joe Stephenson
Actors: Blake Harrison, Daniel Caltagirone, Elizabeth Tan, Gina Bramhill, Helen Baxendale, Jacqueline Boatswain, Jodie McNee, Scott Chambers, Thomas Chaanhing, Vanessa Grasse
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Darlow Smithson Productions, Factual Fiction