Afterlife of the Party
In this 2021 film directed by Stephen Herek, the story follows Cassie, a vivacious party planner played by Victoria Justice, who unexpectedly finds herself navigating the afterlife following a sudden accident. As she embarks on a journey to make amends with those she left behind, Cassie is guided by her guardian angel, Val, portrayed by Midori Francis. The film explores themes of friendship, forgiveness, and self-discovery in a light-hearted yet poignant manner. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers an engaging narrative with a blend of humor and heart. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Stephen Herek
Actors: Adam Garcia, Gloria GarcĂa, Midori Francis, Myfanwy Waring, Robyn Scott, Spencer Sutherland, Timothy Renouf, Victoria Justice
Country: United States of America
Company: Advantage Entertainment, DAE Light Media, Front Row Films