After Louie
In this poignant drama, Alan Cumming stars as Sam, an artist and former AIDS activist grappling with the legacy of the AIDS crisis and his own personal demons. The film explores the intergenerational tensions between Sam and a younger man, Braeden, played by Zachary Booth, as they navigate their complex relationship. Directed by Vincent Gagliostro, the narrative delves into themes of memory, loss, and the evolving landscape of LGBTQ+ activism. This introspective piece offers a reflective look at the past and present struggles of the community. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Vincent Gagliostro
Actors: Alan Cumming, Anthony Johnston, David Drake, Everett Quinton, Joey Arias, Justin Vivian Bond, Patrick Breen, Sarita Choudhury, Wilson Cruz, Zachary Booth
Country: United States of America