Afro Samurai: Resurrection
In this animated action film, the protagonist, Afro Samurai, is drawn back into a world of violence and vengeance when his father’s grave is desecrated, and a powerful enemy seeks to challenge him. The movie features the voice talents of Samuel L. Jackson, who brings depth to the titular character, and Lucy Liu, who adds a compelling dynamic to the story. Directed by Fuminori Kizaki, the film is known for its stunning animation and intense fight sequences. It was nominated for an Emmy Award, highlighting its critical acclaim. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation
Director: Fuminori Kizaki
Actors: Dave Wittenberg, Greg Eagles, Grey DeLisle, Jeff Bennett, Kevin Michael Richardson, Lucy Liu, Mark Hamill, S. Scott Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, Steve Blum
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Fuji Television Network, Fuji Television Network (Fuji TV), G.D.H., GONZO