Set against the backdrop of a sweltering New Orleans day, this intense drama unravels the complexities of infidelity and revenge. The film follows a man who discovers his wife’s affair and takes drastic measures, leading to a tense and unpredictable confrontation. Featuring performances by Sean Faris and Danielle Savre, the narrative explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the consequences of impulsive actions. Directed by H.M. Coakley, the movie delves into the psychological turmoil of its characters. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 12
Director: H.M. Coakley
Actors: Danielle Savre, Mehcad Brooks, Phillip Brock, Rebecca Reaney, Robert Eric Wise, Sean Faris, Steffinnie Phrommany, Stephanie Charles
Country: United States of America
Company: Datari Turner Productions, HMCE