Adult Life Skills
In this charming British indie film, we follow the life of Anna, a quirky young woman approaching her 30th birthday, who is stuck in a rut living in her mother’s garden shed. As she grapples with the pressures of adulthood, Anna finds solace in creating homemade videos with her thumbs as the stars. The film features a standout performance by Jodie Whittaker, who brings depth and humor to her character’s journey of self-discovery. Directed by Rachel Tunnard, this heartfelt narrative explores themes of grief, friendship, and personal growth. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Rachel Tunnard
Actors: Alice Lowe, Brett Goldstein, Christian Contreras, David Anderson, Edward Hogg, Eileen Davies, Jodie Whittaker, Lorraine Ashbourne, Ozzy Myers, Rachael Deering
Country: Sweden, United Kingdom
Company: Film i Väst, Filmgate Films, Pico Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $103,810