In this provocative drama directed by Anne Fontaine, two lifelong friends, played by Naomi Watts and Robin Wright, find their close bond tested when they each embark on an unexpected romantic relationship with the other’s son. Set against the backdrop of a stunning coastal town, the film explores themes of desire, friendship, and the complexities of human relationships. The narrative delves into the emotional intricacies and moral dilemmas faced by the characters, offering a nuanced portrayal of love and loyalty. For those interested, the movie is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
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Director: Anne Fontaine
Actors: Alyson Standen, Ben Mendelsohn, Dane Eade, Gary Sweet, James Frecheville, Jessica Tovey, Naomi Watts, Robin Wright, Sophie Lowe, Xavier Samuel
Company: Ciné@, Gaumont, Screen Australia
Worldwide Gross: $1,575,749