Ridley Kay, a radio host in Texas who specializes in the paranormal, lives a relatively normal life until an unusual orphan with a sorrowful history unexpectedly enters his world. Believing that supernatural entities are pursuing her, Kay strives to shield the girl from a barrage of lethal alien and extraterrestrial events. Yet, as mysterious lights persistently follow her, he realizes that the realm of the paranormal may be much darker and more dangerous than anyone could have ever anticipated.
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Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Elijah Ilyas Kaduji
Actors: Andrei Claude, Art Bell, Buffy Davis, Franco Flammia, Jack O'Halloran, Mark Arnold, Mhairi Calvey, Petra Bryant, Sienna Guillory, William B. Davis
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Abduct Films, London Digital Movie & TV Studios, M and M Film Productions