A Writers Odyssey
In this visually stunning fantasy adventure, a father embarks on a perilous journey to find his missing daughter, only to discover that her fate is intertwined with the fictional world created by a young novelist. As the boundaries between reality and fiction blur, the protagonist must confront powerful forces and unravel the mystery that connects their worlds. Directed by Yang Lu, the film features an impressive cast, including Lei Jiayin and Yang Mi, who bring depth to their roles. This captivating tale can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Director: Yang Lu, Zhuang Jieqiong
Actors: Dong Jie, Dong Zijian, Guo Jingfei, Lei Jiayin, Li Binghui, Liu Tianzuo, Tong Liya, Wang Shengdi, Yang Mi, Yang Yi, Yu Hewei
Country: China
Company: Free Whale Pictures, Huace Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $150,123,320