A Promise
Set in pre-World War I Germany, this film explores the intricate dynamics of love and duty. It follows a young man, played by Richard Madden, who becomes an assistant to a wealthy industrialist, portrayed by Alan Rickman. As he grows closer to the industrialist’s wife, played by Rebecca Hall, a complex emotional entanglement unfolds. Directed by Patrice Leconte, the movie delves into themes of passion and restraint. For those interested, it can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Director: Patrice Leconte
Actors: Alan Rickman, Christelle Cornil, Jean-Louis Sbille, Jonathan Sawdon, Maggie Steed, Rebecca Hall, Richard Madden, Sarah Messens, Shannon Tarbet, Toby Murray
Company: Fidélité Films, SCOPE Pictures, Wild Bunch
Worldwide Gross: $491,204