A Late Quartet
In this compelling drama, a renowned string quartet faces a crisis when its cellist is diagnosed with a life-altering illness, forcing the group to confront their personal and professional challenges. The film features a stellar cast, including Philip Seymour Hoffman, Christopher Walken, and Catherine Keener, who deliver powerful performances that explore themes of ambition, loyalty, and the passage of time. Directed by Yaron Zilberman, the movie delves into the intricate dynamics of long-term collaboration and friendship. While it did not receive major awards, it is noted for its nuanced portrayal of complex relationships. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Yaron Zilberman
Actors: Anne Sofie von Otter, Catherine Keener, Christopher Walken, Imogen Poots, Liraz Charhi, Madhur Jaffrey, Mark Ivanir, Pamela Quinn, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Wallace Shawn
Country: United States of America
Company: Concept Entertainment, Opening Night Productions, Unison Films
Worldwide Gross: $6,303,709