A Haunted House 2
In this comedic horror sequel, Marlon Wayans reprises his role as Malcolm, who, after surviving a haunted house experience, moves into a new home with his girlfriend and her two children. However, his fresh start is quickly disrupted by bizarre and supernatural occurrences, leading to a series of hilarious and chaotic events. The film features performances by Jaime Pressly, Essence Atkins, and Gabriel Iglesias, adding to the comedic ensemble. Directed by Michael Tiddes, the movie continues to parody popular horror films with its unique blend of humor and scares. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 13
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Michael Tiddes
Actors: Affion Crockett, Ashley Rickards, Dave Sheridan, Essence Atkins, Gabriel Iglesias, Hayes MacArthur, Jaime Pressly, Marlon Wayans, Missi Pyle, Rick Overton, Steele Stebbins
Country: United States of America
Company: Automatik Entertainment, Baby Way Productions, IM Global Octane
Worldwide Gross: $25,358,716