A Girl at My Door
In this 2014 South Korean drama, a police officer named Young-nam, played by Bae Doona, is transferred to a small seaside village where she encounters a young girl, Do-hee, portrayed by Kim Sae-ron, who is suffering from abuse. As Young-nam becomes more involved in Do-hee’s life, she uncovers dark secrets within the community. The film, directed by July Jung, explores themes of social injustice and personal redemption. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: July Jung
Actors: Bae Doona, Gong Myeong, Gong Myoung, Kim Jin-goo, Kim Jong-goo, Kim Sae-ron, Moon Sung-keun, Na Jong-min, Park Jin-woo, Son Jong-hak, Song Sae-byuk
Country: South Korea
Company: Now Films, Pine House Film
Worldwide Gross: $569,809