A Dirty Carnival
In this gripping South Korean crime drama, the story follows a low-level gangster, played by Jo In-sung, who is struggling to support his family while climbing the ranks of the criminal underworld. As he becomes more entangled in the violent and treacherous world of organized crime, he faces moral dilemmas and the consequences of his actions. Directed by Ha Yoo, the film offers a raw and realistic portrayal of ambition and loyalty. While it didn’t receive major awards, it is noted for its intense performances and intricate plot. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Ha Yoo
Actors: Cheon Ho-jin, Cho Jin-woong, Eun-Sook Sunwoo, Ho-jin Chun, Huh Yi-jae, Jin Goo, Jo In-sung, Lee Bo-young, Lee Jong-hyuk, Namkoong Min, Sunwoo Eun-sook, Yoon Je-moon, Zo In-sung
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ E&M Film Financing & Investment Entertainment & Comics, CJ Entertainment, Frontier Works Comic
Worldwide Gross: $10,371,998