A Christmas Carol
In this 2009 adaptation, directed by Robert Zemeckis, the classic Charles Dickens tale is brought to life through the innovative use of motion capture technology. The film follows the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge, voiced by Jim Carrey, as he is visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve, each revealing different aspects of his life and future. The movie features a star-studded cast, including Gary Oldman and Colin Firth, and showcases stunning visual effects that enhance the timeless story. While it did not receive major awards, it remains a visually captivating retelling of a beloved holiday classic. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 30
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Holiday Animation, Holiday Family
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Actors: Aaron Rapke, Aliane Baquerot, Allison Leo, Amber Gainey Meade, Beckie King, Bob Hoskins, Bobbi Page, Callum Blue, Cary Elwes, Colin Firth, Daryl Sabara, Eva La Dare, Fay Masterson, Fionnula Flanagan, Gary Oldman, Jacquie Barnbrook, Jim Carrey, John J. Todd, John R. Corella, Julene Renee, Julian Holloway, Keith Kuhl, Kelly Connolly, Kelly Crandall, Kerry Hoyt, Lesley Manville, Leslie Zemeckis, Matthew Henerson, Michael Hyland, Molly C. Quinn, Patrick Wetzel, Paul Blackthorne, Raymond Ochoa, Robin Wright, Ron Bottitta, Ryan Ochoa, Sage Ryan, Sam J. Cahn, Sammi Hanratty, Seth Belliston, Sheri Griffith, Sonje Fortag, Steve Valentine, Tarah Paige, Troy Edward Bowles
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, ImageMovers, ImageMovers Digital, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $325,286,646