A Brilliant Young Mind
In this heartfelt drama, a socially awkward yet mathematically gifted teenager, Nathan, navigates the complexities of adolescence and the competitive world of mathematics. Guided by his unconventional teacher, played by Rafe Spall, and his caring mother, portrayed by Sally Hawkins, Nathan embarks on a journey to the International Mathematics Olympiad. The film, directed by Morgan Matthews, explores themes of friendship, love, and self-discovery. Asa Butterfield delivers a compelling performance as Nathan, capturing the nuances of his character’s struggles and triumphs. This touching narrative can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Morgan Matthews
Actors: Alex Lawther, Alexa Davies, Asa Butterfield, Eddie Marsan, Jake Davies, Jo Yang, Martin McCann, Orion Lee, Rafe Spall, Sally Hawkins
Country: Australia, United Kingdom
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, British Film Institute (BFI), Head Gear Films, Pinnacle Films, The National Lottery
Worldwide Gross: $1,043,620