A Belle for Christmas
This family film follows the story of two children whose father’s girlfriend has taken their dog. Dean Cain plays Glenn Barrows, a widower trying his best to care for his children, Elliot and Phoebe, who are still grieving the loss of their mother. Their spirits lift when the family welcomes an adorable puppy named Belle into their home during the holiday season. However, their joy is short-lived as Glenn’s new girlfriend, who dislikes dogs and is only interested in his wealth, sends Belle away. Can the kids manage a daring rescue of their cherished pet on Christmas Eve? Haylie Duff also stars in this touching comedy that celebrates family, friendship, and a miraculous holiday adventure with a furry friend.
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Director: Jason Dallas
Actors: Avary J. Anderson, Babs Simmons, Connor Berry, Dean Cain, Haylie Duff, Jet Jurgensmeyer, Kristy Swanson, Meyrick Murphy
Country: United States of America