Seventy-Seven Days
The film “Seventy-seven Days” draws inspiration from the real-life experiences of exploration writer Yang Ysong-Song, who spent 77 days alone traversing the uninhabited Qiangtang region. The story follows a man lost in his own life, navigating the snowy, desolate landscape. Despite facing life’s challenges, he remains optimistic and determined to embark on an extraordinary adventure that many deem impossible. The film portrays two authentic characters who, with sincerity and bravery, confront the challenges of fate and relentlessly pursue their innermost dreams and true selves. With its captivating rhythm, stunning visuals, and gripping tension, the movie delivers a powerful visual experience, inviting the audience to join the protagonist on an unparalleled journey of discovery.
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Director: Hantang Zhao
Actors: Jiang Yiyan, Lopsang, Wang Tong Yu, Wang Tongyu, Zhao Hantang
Country: China
Company: De Feng Pictures, Greatmedia, Han Tang (Beijing) Film
Worldwide Gross: $15,988,889