Android Apocalypse
In a dystopian future where humans and androids coexist, a man named Jute, played by Scott Bairstow, finds himself wrongfully accused of murder. As he is transported to a prison facility, an unexpected event forces him to team up with an android named DeeCee, portrayed by Joseph Lawrence, to survive in a hostile environment. The film explores themes of trust and survival amidst societal collapse. Directed by Paul Ziller, this sci-fi thriller offers a gripping narrative and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Paul Ziller
Actors: Amy Matysio, Anne Bedian, Brian Dueck, Chris Irvine, Chris Jericho, Christopher Irvine, Darla Middlebrook, Joey Lawrence, Scott Bairstow, Shannon Jardine, Terrance Leigh, Wendy Anderson
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Independent Moving Productions Inc. (IMPinc.), Polyphony Digital