In this tense thriller directed by Tobias Tobbell, the story unfolds within the claustrophobic confines of a single apartment. The plot centers around a former model, played by Daisy Lowe, who is held captive by a mysterious intruder. As the narrative progresses, the psychological tension escalates, revealing layers of intrigue and suspense. The film’s minimalist setting amplifies the intensity of the characters’ interactions. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Thriller
Director: Tobias Tobbell
Actors: Adam Leese, Alfie Allen, Corinne Kempa, Daisy Lowe, Eliza Bennett, Emily Corcoran, Forbes KB, Gillian MacGregor, Riz Meedin, William St. Clair
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cork Films, Two Bells Productions