In this introspective drama, Charlotte Rampling delivers a powerful performance as a woman grappling with the disintegration of her life following her husband’s imprisonment. The film delves into themes of identity and isolation, capturing the protagonist’s struggle to maintain her sense of self amidst societal judgment and personal turmoil. Directed by Andrea Pallaoro, the movie is a poignant exploration of human resilience and vulnerability. Notably, Charlotte Rampling’s portrayal earned her the Volpi Cup for Best Actress at the Venice Film Festival. For those interested, the film is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Andrea Pallaoro
Actors: André Wilms, Charlotte Rampling, Jean-Michel Balthazar, Luca Avallone, Simon Bisschop, Stéphanie Van Vyve
Country: Belgium, France, Italy
Company: Good Fortune Films, Left Field Ventures, Partner Media Investment
Worldwide Gross: $146,325