Set in the 1970s, this coming-of-age drama follows two teenage boys, Pikelet and Loonie, as they navigate the challenges of adolescence in a small coastal town in Australia. Their lives take a transformative turn when they befriend Sando, a mysterious and charismatic surfer played by Simon Baker, who introduces them to the exhilarating world of surfing. As the boys become more deeply involved in Sando’s world, they are confronted with the complexities of friendship, risk, and self-discovery. Directed by Simon Baker, the film captures the beauty and danger of the ocean, offering a poignant exploration of youth and identity. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance
Director: Simon Baker
Actors: Ben Spence, Brock Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Debicki, Jacek Koman, Jed Mitchell, Miranda Frangou, Rachael Blake, Richard Roxburgh, Samson Coulter, Simon Baker
Country: Australia
Company: Gran Via Productions, Screen Australia, See Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $3,322,479