In My Father’s House
“IN MY FATHER’S HOUSE” delves into themes of identity and heritage within an African-American family, as Grammy-winning rapper Che ‘Rhymefest’ Smith reconnects with his estranged father to forge a new path on Chicago’s challenging South Side. Having grown up in a fractured family, Che believed his father, Brian, to be deceased after not seeing him for over two decades. However, upon purchasing his father’s childhood home, Che embarks on a quest to find him, discovering that Brian is now a homeless alcoholic living just a few blocks away. The film offers an insightful exploration of memory and identity in a family two generations removed from slavery, following Che and Brian’s collective effort to establish a new legacy for themselves, their community, and future generations.
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Genre: Documentary, Drama, Family
Director: Anne Sundberg, Ricki Stern
Country: United States of America