King of Paper Chasin’
In a bustling metropolis of 9 million inhabitants, everyone is caught up in the relentless pursuit of wealth. This film follows the journey of Carter Blanche, a man who has carved out his piece of the American dream. However, history reminds us that significant crimes often lurk behind great fortunes, and Carter’s ascent is no different. As he attempts to legitimize his empire, he encounters deceit, betrayal, and self-interest from those closest to him. Carter must navigate through these challenges to protect what he has built, all while discerning allies from adversaries. The choices he makes are fraught with danger and have the potential to claim lives.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Music, Thriller
Director: La Monte Edwards
Actors: D.L., Jason Rivera, Joseph Somma, Piarry Oriol
Country: United States of America
Company: Triplebeam Pictures