Giochi d’estate
The narrative follows an adult and a teenage pair during a short summer getaway by the ocean. Nic’s parents are caught in a fragile, interdependent relationship, struggling to mend their differences. Meanwhile, their 12-year-old son grapples with his father’s traumatic and aggressive behavior, which he processes through play with other kids. He attempts to show Marie, a girl his age dealing with her own father-related issues, how to become emotionally detached. Ultimately, both youngsters are profoundly changed by the exhilaration and heartache of their initial romantic experiences.
Director: Rolando Colla
Actors: Aaron Hitz, Alessia Barela, Antonio Merone, Armando Condolucci, Fiorella Campanella, Marco D'Orazi, Roberta Fossile
Country: France, Italy, Switzerland
Company: Arsam International, Classic, Peacock Films