Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! The Movie
In this animated adventure, Thomas the Tank Engine embarks on a thrilling journey beyond the Island of Sodor, traveling across five continents. Along the way, he meets new friends, including a racing car named Ace and a Kenyan engine named Nia, who help him learn valuable lessons about friendship and teamwork. The film features vibrant animation and a diverse array of settings, making it a visually engaging experience for young audiences. Directed by David Stoten, this installment in the beloved franchise continues to captivate with its heartwarming narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: David Stoten
Actors: Bob Golding, Chipo Chung, David Bedella, Joseph May, Jules de Jongh, Peter Andre, Rasmus Hardiker, Richie Campbell, Teresa Gallagher, Yvonne Grundy
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: HiT Entertainment, Jam Filled Toronto, Mattel Creations
Worldwide Gross: $3,299,661