Curse Of Chucky
In this chilling installment of the horror franchise, a mysterious package arrives at the home of Nica, a young woman confined to a wheelchair, and her family. The package contains a seemingly innocent doll, which soon becomes the center of a series of gruesome events. As the body count rises, Nica begins to unravel the doll’s sinister history and its connection to her family’s past. Directed by Don Mancini, the film stars Fiona Dourif and Brad Dourif, who reprises his iconic role as the voice of the doll. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Don Mancini
Actors: A Martinez, Adam Hurtig, Brad Dourif, Brennan Elliott, Chantal Quesnel, Danielle Bisutti, Fiona Dourif, Kally Berard, Maitland McConnell, Summer H. Howell
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Universal 1440 Entertainment