Bad Samaritan
In this 2018 thriller directed by Dean Devlin, two young valet attendants, played by Robert Sheehan and Carlito Olivero, run a scam by breaking into the homes of their wealthy clients. Their scheme takes a dark turn when one of them stumbles upon a woman held captive in a house they are robbing. As they attempt to navigate the dangerous situation, they find themselves entangled in a deadly game with a psychopathic adversary, portrayed by David Tennant. The film explores themes of morality and consequence, offering a tense and gripping narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Dean Devlin
Actors: Carlito Olivero, David Meyers, David Tennant, Jacob Resnikoff, Jacqueline Byers, Kerry Condon, Lorraine Bahr, Rob Nagle, Robert Sheehan, Tracey Heggins
Country: United States of America
Company: Electric Entertainment, Global Pictures Media
Worldwide Gross: $4,623,836