The Selfish Giant
Set in the stark landscape of Northern England, this film follows the lives of two teenage boys, Arbor and Swifty, who become involved in the world of scrap metal dealing. Their friendship is tested as they navigate the challenges of poverty and exploitation, leading to unforeseen consequences. Directed by Clio Barnard, the film is noted for its raw and poignant storytelling, drawing inspiration from Oscar Wilde’s short story of the same name. It received critical acclaim and was awarded the Europa Cinemas Label at the Cannes Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Clio Barnard
Actors: Conner Chapman, Ian Burfield, Lorraine Ashbourne, Ralph Ineson, Rebecca Manley, Rhys McCoy, Sean Gilder, Shaun Thomas, Siobhan Finneran, Steve Evets
Country: United Kingdom
Company: British Film Institute (BFI), Film4, Moonspun Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,114,027