Justice League: Gods and Monsters
In an alternate universe, the iconic superhero team is reimagined with darker and more complex origins, leading to a world where Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are not the heroes we know. This animated film, directed by Sam Liu, explores the moral ambiguities and ethical dilemmas faced by these new versions of the characters as they confront a global conspiracy. The voice cast includes notable talents such as Michael C. Hall, Benjamin Bratt, and Tamara Taylor, bringing depth to this unique take on the superhero genre. While it hasn’t received any major awards, the film is praised for its bold storytelling and fresh perspective on familiar characters. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy
Director: Sam Liu
Actors: Benjamin Bratt, C. Thomas Howell, Eric Bauza, Grey DeLisle, Jason Isaacs, Kari Wahlgren, Larry Cedar, Michael C. Hall, Paget Brewster, Tamara Taylor
Country: United States of America
Company: DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation, Warner Premiere