Strange Wilderness
In this 2008 comedy directed by Fred Wolf, a group of inept wildlife television show producers, led by Steve Zahn’s character, embark on a misguided expedition to boost their show’s ratings by finding the legendary Bigfoot. The film features a cast of comedic talents, including Allen Covert and Jonah Hill, who contribute to the chaotic and humorous journey through the wilderness. Despite its star-studded ensemble, the movie did not receive any notable awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Fred Wolf
Actors: Allen Covert, Ashley Scott, Blake Clark, Jake Abel, Jeff Garlin, Jonah Hill, Kevin Heffernan, Oliver Hudson, Robert Patrick, Steve Zahn
Country: United States of America
Company: Happy Madison Productions, Level 1 Entertainment, Pelican Productions LLC (I)
Worldwide Gross: $6,964,734