In this tense thriller directed by Alice Winocour, Matthias Schoenaerts stars as Vincent, a French Special Forces soldier suffering from PTSD. Hired to protect the wife and child of a wealthy Lebanese businessman, Vincent’s paranoia and hyper-vigilance blur the lines between reality and his troubled mind. The film skillfully explores themes of psychological trauma and the nature of security, set against a backdrop of suspenseful tension. While it didn’t receive major awards, it was well-received for its atmospheric storytelling and Schoenaerts’ compelling performance. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alice Winocour
Actors: Chems Eddine, Diane Kruger, Franck Torrecillas, Jean-Louis Coulloc'h, Matthias Schoenaerts, Mickaël Dauber, Paul Hamy, Percy Kemp, Victor Pontecorvo, Zaïd Errougui-Demonsant
Company: Darius Films, Dharamsala, Mars Films
Worldwide Gross: $460,997