Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
In this family-friendly comedy, Greg Heffley navigates the challenges of summer vacation, which he initially envisions as a time for relaxation and video games. However, his plans are thwarted by his father’s insistence on outdoor activities and bonding time, leading to a series of humorous misadventures. The film stars Zachary Gordon as Greg and features the comedic talents of Steve Zahn and Robert Capron. Directed by David Bowers, this installment continues the lighthearted and relatable storytelling of the series. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 19
Director: David Bowers
Actors: Connor Fielding, Devon Bostick, Grayson Russell, Karan Brar, Laine MacNeil, Melissa Roxburgh, Peyton List, Rachael Harris, Robert Capron, Steve Zahn, Zachary Gordon
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Color Force, Dune Entertainment, Fox 2000 Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $77,229,695