A Bigger Splash
In this 2015 film directed by Luca Guadagnino, a rock star and her filmmaker boyfriend retreat to a sun-drenched Italian island for rest and recuperation. Their tranquil escape is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of an old friend and his daughter, leading to a complex web of jealousy and desire. The movie features a stellar cast, including Tilda Swinton, Ralph Fiennes, and Dakota Johnson, who deliver compelling performances. While the film did not win major awards, it is noted for its lush cinematography and intense character dynamics. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Drama, Music, Romance, Thriller
Director: Luca Guadagnino
Actors: Alessandro Ferrara, Aurore Clément, Corrado Guzzanti, Dakota Johnson, David Maddalena, Elena Bucci, Lily McMenamy, Livio Franco Blandino, Matthias Schoenaerts, Ralph Fiennes, Salvatore Gabriele, Tilda Swinton, Vito Rodo
Country: France, Italy, United States of America
Company: Cota Film, Frenesy Film Company, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $7,547,068