A Haunted House
In this comedic horror film directed by Michael Tiddes, the story follows a young couple, Malcolm and Kisha, who move into their dream home only to discover it is haunted by a mischievous spirit. As paranormal activities escalate, Malcolm enlists the help of a priest, a psychic, and a team of ghostbusters to rid their home of the supernatural presence. The film stars Marlon Wayans and Essence Atkins, who deliver humorous performances that parody popular horror movie tropes. While it did not receive any major awards, the film is notable for its satirical take on the found-footage horror genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Michael Tiddes
Actors: Affion Crockett, Cedric the Entertainer, Dave Sheridan, David Koechner, Essence Atkins, Jamie Noel, Liana Mendoza, Marlene Forte, Marlon Wayans, Nick Swardson
Country: United States of America
Company: Endgame Entertainment, IM Global, Open Road Films (II)
Worldwide Gross: $60,159,584