I Hate Tokyo
Natsumi, portrayed by Kie Kitano, relocates to Tokyo to attend a fine arts university. In the bustling city, she encounters Ryosuke, and they quickly form a romantic relationship. Although Ryosuke is kind-hearted, he is unemployed and spends his days idly. To cover her living costs, Natsumi takes a job at a bar. Over time, the distance between Natsumi and Ryosuke grows, leading them to part ways. Eventually, Natsumi achieves a milestone with the publication of her book.
Views: 5
Genre: Comedy
Director: Toshiyuki Morioka
Actors: Asaka Seto, Asana Mamoru, Asuka Kurosawa, Eri Fukatsu, Fumino Kimura, Ittoku Kishibe, Kanon Tani, Kie Kitano, Rieko Saibara, Sosuke Ikematsu
Country: Japan
Company: Boom Up, Straydog Promotion Co.