Buddy Hutchins
Buddy Hutchins is a dark comedy thriller directed by Jared Cohn, featuring Jamie Kennedy in the titular role. The film follows the story of a man who, after facing a series of personal and professional setbacks, reaches his breaking point and embarks on a chaotic rampage. As Buddy’s life spirals out of control, the movie explores themes of frustration and the consequences of unchecked anger. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, the film is notable for Kennedy’s intense performance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Jared Cohn
Actors: David Gere, Demetrius Stear, Erin O'Brien, Jamie Kennedy, Nicole Alexandra Shipley, Remington Moses, Sally Kirkland, Sara Malakul Lane, Steve Hanks
Country: United States of America