The Fencer
Set in the early 1950s, this film follows Endel Nelis, a young Estonian fencer who escapes the Soviet secret police and finds refuge in a small Estonian village. As he becomes a teacher, he starts a sports club for his students, introducing them to the art of fencing, which becomes a source of inspiration and hope. The film, directed by Klaus Härö, was Finland’s official submission for the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 88th Academy Awards and was nominated for a Golden Globe. It stars Märt Avandi in the lead role, delivering a compelling performance. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Drama, History
Director: Klaus Härö
Actors: Ann-Lisett Rebane, Egert Kadastu, Elbe Reiter, Hendrik Toompere Jr., Jaak Prints, Joonas Koff, Kirill Käro, Liisa Koppel, Märt Avandi, Ursula Ratasepp
Country: Estonia, Finland, Germany
Company: Allfilm, Kick Film, Making Movies, Making Movies Oy
Worldwide Gross: $1,289,014