The Childhood of a Leader
Set in the aftermath of World War I, this film explores the formative years of a young boy who is destined to become a significant political leader. The narrative delves into the psychological and emotional development of the child, influenced by his interactions with his authoritarian father and nurturing mother, played by Bérénice Bejo. The film is directed by Brady Corbet and features a haunting score by Scott Walker, which adds to its intense atmosphere. It won the Best Debut Film award at the Venice Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Brady Corbet
Actors: Bérénice Bejo, Caroline Boulton, Jacques Boudet, Liam Cunningham, Michael Epp, Rebecca Dayan, Robert Pattinson, Roderick Hill, Sophie Lane Curtis, Stacy Martin, Tom Sweet, Yolande Moreau
Country: Belgium, Canada, France, Hungary, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bow and Arrow Entertainment, Bron Capital Partners, Scion Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $245,546