The Unspoken
In this 2015 horror film directed by Sheldon Wilson, a family mysteriously vanishes from their home, leaving behind a chilling legacy that haunts the small town. Years later, a new family moves into the same house, only to encounter a series of terrifying and unexplained events. The film stars Jodelle Ferland, Sunny Suljic, and Neal McDonough, who deliver compelling performances that heighten the suspense. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a gripping narrative for horror enthusiasts. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Sheldon Wilson
Actors: Anthony Konechny, Chilton Crane, Fulvio Cecere, Jake Croker, Jodelle Ferland, Matt Bellefleur, Neal McDonough, Pascale Hutton, Rukiya Bernard, Sunny Suljic
Country: Canada
Company: Lighthouse Pictures, Sapphire Fire Limited
Worldwide Gross: $258,760