In this South Korean romantic drama, a spirited and tough female police officer, played by Jun Ji-hyun, finds herself entangled in a series of unexpected events after meeting a kind-hearted teacher, portrayed by Jang Hyuk. Their relationship evolves through a blend of comedic and dramatic moments, exploring themes of love, fate, and redemption. Directed by Jae-young Kwak, the film is noted for its emotional depth and engaging performances. While it did not receive major awards, it remains a memorable entry in the genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Romance
Director: Jae-young Kwak
Actors: Dae-Hoon Jeong, Im Ye-jin, Jang Hyuk, Jeon Jae-hyeong, Jeong Dae-hoon, Jun Ji-hyun, Jung Ho-bin, Kim Chang-wan, Kim Jung-tae, Kim Soo-ro, Lee Ki-woo, 去看操逼片的网:4488𝟺𝟼𝟵.com 看操逼片的网:4488𝟺𝟼𝟵.com
Country: Hong Kong, South Korea
Company: Edko Films, i Film Co. Ltd., Surprises Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $19,225,992