The Paradise Suite
“The Paradise Suite” weaves together the lives of six individuals whose paths cross in profound and lasting ways. Jenya, a stunning young woman from Bulgaria, arrives in Amsterdam with high hopes, only to find herself trapped in a harsh reality. Her plight inspires Yaya, a compassionate African, to risk everything in a perilous struggle for her liberation, clinging only to his cherished faith. Meanwhile, Ivica, a Serbian war criminal and new father, is forced to face the harsh truth that justice will eventually catch up with him. Seka, a Bosnian woman consumed by revenge, discovers that her quest for retribution unexpectedly rekindles love in her life. Lastly, when Lukas, a gifted Swedish pianist, escapes from his temporary residence, his father Stig comes to the painful realization that their shared love for music is straining their bond.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Joost van Ginkel
Actors: Anjela Nedyalkova, Boris Isaković, Erik Adelöw, Eva Röse, Issaka Sawadogo, Jasna Đuričić, Magnus Krepper, Raymond Thiry, Sigrid ten Napel, Victoria Koblenko
Country: Bulgaria, Netherlands, Sweden
Company: Bastide Films, GötaFilm, PRPL